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713 633-9044


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Open Monday-Friday 10:30am-9pm


David & Pat's Bookkeeping Services Inc.

P.O. Box 23396

Houston, TX 77228


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TIP: 100% of foreclosures happened to people who bought homes.  Some foreclosed because they got laid off and couldn't find more work.  I would submit that most lost it because they were living check to check and was too deep in the first place.  Trying to keep up a lifestyle that they couldn't afford.  $1,500/mo house notes don't make you awesome.  They makes you pay more than someone that has a $1,200/mo house note.  They also make you pay way more than someone with a $800/mo apartment.  Pay for what you can afford.  Get rid of all other financial obligations before you buy a home so you don't HAVE to depend on making a certain amount of money.



-Curtis Curley

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